Independence Day Message, 2022

We are a divided nation, but our Constitution is strong. It has allowed us to retain our God-given rights. It has not weakened but strengthened our democracy by returning issues that once were out of reach of the democratic process back into the domain of the people, subject to their will. Even the acute mismanagement we've faced of late can be resolved and overcome with the strength, perseverance, and commitment to first principles.

LR Podcast, S2E10: Independence Day Message 2021

To hear it from some people, you’d think that America was a terrible place with a terrible history with few redeeming qualities. Some of their points are valid, but they do not give a balanced perspective on our nation. Our Founding Fathers were men of wisdom and courage who sacrificed much and were prepared to give, even more, even their lives if necessary for us to gain our independence.

On this week’s podcast: It’s OK to Love America

From freeing black Americans from slavery to freeing other nations from tyranny and oppression, America has always taken a lead role. We make and do cool stuff, like build the Panama Canal and send cars into space. We help the less fortunate in our own county and across the globe. Even when it comes to countries that we don't exactly see eye-to-eye with politically, we offer them help in their time of need. In short, there is an awful lot to be proud of if you're an American.

It’s OK to Love America

To hear it from some people, you'd think that America was a terrible place with a terrible history with few redeeming qualities. Some of their points are valid, but they do not give a balanced perspective on our nation. Our Founding Fathers were men of wisdom and courage who sacrificed much and were prepared to give, even more, even their lives if necessary for us to gain our independence. That spirit of sacrifice, of putting liberty and freedom above our own lives and fortunes carries on to this day.

Washington’s Crossing Reenactment

The original crossing took place on December 25th and 26th, 1776. It was an act of desperation by General Washington that may have saved the American Revolution. Defeating the Hessian mercenaries in Trenton, and the subsequent victory Princeton gave the faltering Revolution a new lease on life. It was such an important event in our nation's history that it is well worth leaning about.

Memorial Days of our Possible Future

On that day, may it never come, our war dead will have given their last breath for no more a cause than a piece of land, some natural resources, or a border on a map. Memorial Day will be a much different day, a day to mourn more than the loss of American heroes, but of a free country that once existed that was worthy of their sacrifice.