LR Podcast S2E5: Memorial Day Message/COVID Endgame

To Reagan, and many of his generation, communism, and socialism equaled slavery-- not to a particular person, but to the state. What would the people of that era not so long ago make of the acceptance of Marxism and of collectivism we see among so many today?

Memorial Day Message 2021

Will they, should the leftist have their way, and establish some sort of socialist or neo-fascist state be reduced to fighting for their homeland, with not much cause to spill a drop of blood for whatever collectivist ideology takes the place of individual freedom? What would be the rallying cry used to motivate persons to pick up arms in such a place? “FOR EQUITY!”? “FOR THE COLLECTIVE GOOD!”? or “DEATH TO THE INDIVIDUALISTS!”?

LR Podcast, S2E2: CRT and Thee

A natural one to exploit was the race struggle of blacks and other minorities in America. Modern socialism though Cultural Marxism/Critical Theory continually seeks out new "victim" groups to stoke tensions between them and the predominant group, so black against white, rich against poor, secular against the religious, etc.

Anti-Asian violence and CRT

Also, critical race theory declares that if one group outperforms another group socioeconomically, that the better performing group is doing it at the expense of the lesser performing groups. If CRT is telling people this, why should it come as any surprise when its believers start committing hate crimes against Asians who, as a group, are at the top of the economic ladder in this country?

LR Podcast S2E1: “We the Government”

The “Infrastructure” plan. (talked about at length in episode 51.) Congress using the same “bait and switch” language in describing it. They're selling it as an infrastructure plan, but what you really get is about 7% infrastructure and the rest Green New Deal crony capitalism.